Author: admin

Our publication on Nature Communication!

Our research on viral recombinant genomes identification, through big data-driven methods, has been published on the prestigious journal Nature Communication. You find the full article here: This achievement was supported by Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (PRIN PNRR 2022 “SENSIBLE” project, n. P2022CNN2J), funded by the European Union, Next Generation EU, within PNRR M4.C2.1.1 Thank you […]

Our paper “Reactive Knowledge Management” accepted at IEEE ICDE 2024, Future Technologies Special Session

Authors: Stefano Ceri, Anna Bernasconi, Alessia Gagliardi Funding: This paper was supported by the PNRR-PE-AI FAIR project, funded by the NextGenerationEUprogram. Preprint: here Abstract: Today’s large knowledge graphs are conceived mainly for supporting search and e-commerce within large companies such as Google or Amazon, with well-crafted knowledge creation rules.Our recent experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, […]

Our paper “PG-Triggers: Triggers for Property Graphs” accepted at SIGMOD 2024, industrial Track

Authors: Stefano Ceri, Anna Bernasconi, Alessia Gagliardi, Davide Martinenghi, Luigi Bellomarini, Davide Magnanimi Collaboration between Politecnico di Milano and Banca d’Italia Funding: This paper was supported by the PNRR-PE-AI FAIR project, funded by the NextGenerationEUprogram. Abstract: Graph databases are emerging as the leading data management technology for storing large knowledge graphs; significant efforts are ongoing […]

Our BETTER project funded by Horizon Europe!

Our project Better rEal-world healTh-daTa distributEd analytics Research platform (BETTER) has been funded within the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON). Our team at Politecnico di Milano (with Pietro Pinoli, Prof. Cinzia Cappiello, and Prof. Stefano Ceri) will be partnering with several other universities: DATRIX SPA IT (Coordinator), KLINIKUM DER UNIVERSITAET ZU KOELN, UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT, UNIVERSITAT […]

Our SENSIBLE project is funded by PRIN PNRR 2022!

Our project Small-data Early warNing System for viral pathogens In puBLic hEalth (SENSIBLE), born as a collaboration between my research group (Anna Bernasconi, project’s PI) at the Department of Electronics, Information, and Bioengineering (Politecnico di Milano) and the group of Prof. Matteo Chiara (co-PI) at Department of Biosciences (University of Milano) has received funding for […]

Our TETYS project is funded by NGI Search!

Topics Evolution That You See (TETYS) has been selected for funding (150K Euros) in the Next Generation Internet Search 2nd Call 2023. The Next Generation Internet is a European Commission initiative (with funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement no 101069813). TETYS proposes the next-generation open-source Web topic explorer […]

Winner of the CAiSE PhD Award 2023 Anna Bernasconi, researcher from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering at the Politecnico di Milano, has won the CAiSE PhD Award 2023. The award was presented to her during the 35th edition of the International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), which took place in Zaragoza, Spain, from June 12 to 16, 2023. The young […]